Thursday, June 20, 2013

Book Critique: For Women Only, Part 2 of 10: Anger


For women only

Book Critique Part 2For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men, Shaunti Feldhahn

Part 2. A man’s anger is often a response to feeling disrespected by his wife

Feldhahn’s Take

When a husband becomes angry with his wife, he may not come out and say, “You’re disrespecting me!” But, there is a good likelihood that he is feeling stung by something his wife has done which he considers disrespectful and humiliating.

The Sigma Male Says 

A man does feel anger and resentment toward his wife when he feels humiliated by her. This occurs when he feels he is doing everything in his power to deserve her respect, to no avail. In a disrespected man’s eyes, his wife is impossible to please, so something must be wrong with her! He lays the fault on his wife even though he has the power to resolve the issue.

In my experience, when a man understands the specifics of why his wife does not respect him, he can turn things around immediately. Understanding and truly believing he is responsible for any and all marriage problems allows him to repair those problems practically overnight.

Next up: Part 3: Insecurity

Earlier Posts: Part 1: Disrespect

Note: Feldhahn's book, For Couple's Only, is actually a compilation of two books: For Women Only and For Men Only. In this series, I analyze the first. The summaries of each point were pulled from this post, by Jim Burns.


Dr. John Alexander is an expert on marriage relationships and the author of The Sigma Male: What Women Really Want. To learn more about the Sigma Roles in marriage, visit his website, subscribe to his blog, “like” his page on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter.

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