Thursday, July 18, 2013

Is the Joke on You?

Yesterday I wrote about a degrading congratulatory wedding card. Today as I traveled across Europe, I discovered another gem:

Rooster signRooster sign 2


It dawned on me that these types of messages are nothing new; lately I've just been paying closer attention because of my work on The Sigma Male. In fact, now that I think about it, I've can remember seeing this type of knick-knack for as long as I can remember. So what—if anything—has changed?

When my father's generation of Alpha men looked at these messages, they did so with a wink and a nod, in a sense telling their wife, "Thank you for all that you do for me. I wouldn't be who I am without you." But they didn't take to heart internalize a message that they should somehow be subservient to their wife—they didn't believe it in the least! After all, the chauvinism of the Alpha Male dictated that they were better than women, so how could a woman tell them what to do?

Today's Modern Men are no longer chauvinistic—they believe that women are their equals. So if the genders are equal, why do Modern men sheepishly grin and accept that they should stand beneath women--that their wife is the boss and they are a servant? The rooster plaque above says it all:

Today's men believe they are nothing more than a barnyard king. The rooster can strut and crow all he likes—as long as he remembers that at any moment the ax might drop on his neck. 

Sigmas are able to employ same wink and nod of their fathers—without then chauvinism because they understand that there is no such thing as subservience when a true leader is present.

Hence the two smiles in the picture!

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